Saturday, August 22, 2015

Day 23: If You Find Reading Bothersome, This Post Is For You

Ride:  Richardson Grove (cough) to Mackericher State Park (Fort Bragg)
Distance:  59.6 miles
Total Trip Distance:  1,278 miles
Remember Playboy Magazine? (Yeah, I know it's not popular anymore)  Were you  one of those people who used to say "blah, blah.... I just read it for the articles... blah, blah....)?  Sure dude.  But if that was true, and you like to read the articles, then pick up your New Yorker and keep reading, because this post is all pictures!

Leaving the smoky:

My new best friend HWY 1
Lots of climbing today:

There was also a 10 mile or so descent from the top of this climb where I went from sweating like crazy at the top, to 3 layers and a fleece at the bottom!

Craig from Tasmania got a flat, so a committee was formed to help:

An RVers worst nightmare..... Lots of bikes.....
This is what it looks like along HWY 1:

Another great day of pedaling


  1. Your blog, my friend, provides the absolute best porn out there! :0) Nothing but gorgeousness! :0)

    And, dang, that's quite the Flat Fixin' Committee! How come I never get to benefit from such a gathering whenever I have a flat? :P

    1. Ha! Thanks Saracita. My Lezyne floor pump was quite a hit. Greg liked it so much, he took the details and planned to order one that night!

  2. Good stuff Ron! Positively No Visitors! Classic!

    1. The part you didn't see was that it was on the fence of a closed sawmill...... Karma?

      Thanks Adam!

    2. Number of closed/abandoned mills you've seen on your journey?

    3. Adam - not as many as you'd think. What I remember is going past several large mills with logs and lumber as far as you could see - impressive

  3. That wasn't the last puncture of my tour unfortunately (another on Big Sur - all part of the fun). Great to read your blog Ron, nice shots. I finished at Santa Monica Pier on Sept 5, all good. All the best mate. Tassy Greg

  4. Hi Greg - Good to hear from you mate! Where is your next tour?
