Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Day 20: Today's Post Is Brought To You By The Letter "F"

Route:  Del Norte Redwoods to Patrick's Point State Park
Distance:  53.3 miles
Total Trip Distance:  1,100 miles

Because "F" is for fog.  And you thought I was going to use the other f-word.......

First an update from yesterday.  I sent my dad a quick text once I got to California with the same quip I used in the blog post yesterday (I'm back in California where I can't buy pot, but I can vote).  His response cracked me up:

"Turn around, pot has more value"

Nice one dad!

But back to the fog.  Today's fog was extra special because it was smoke flavored.  Seems the fire smoke and fog joined forces to create a soupy airborne treat.  Here I am doing my best to prevent "brown lung" on the climb out of camp:

Can you smell that?

The fog made riding the 101 extra surreal too - definitely had the front and back blinkers light blazing at full throttle.  I finally descended out of the soup (and got cell service back).  You can sorta see the cloud I came out of in the right part of pic:

I intend to stock up on food in Klammath but all they had was an Indian casino and  a gas station.  That left Orick where the market had enough to get me by until Eureka - if you want $8/loaf bread, come to Orick!

When I turned onto the Newton B Drury Parkway it was 10 miles of a cyclists dream- open road and beautiful scenery with plenty of big trees:

I hope they keep plenty of these signs in stock:

Then it was back to the 101 where the team at Caltrans is keeping an eye out for us cyclists- much appreciated!

Some cool fog pics just outside Orick:

Humbolt Lagoon:

"F" is also for Fritos which have become a staple......

Pro Tip Of The Day:  can't find a rock to pound in your tent peg in with? Use your (hard bottomed) cycling shoe.  Sure, hard core roadies will frown on this (mostly because they spent $750 on their shoes) but no one listens to them.....

Patrick's Point is a hiker/biker heaven.  We even have OUR OWN SHOWER and restrooms at one of the prime spots in the park:  Lookout Rock. I intend to do plenty of looking once this fog clears......

1 comment:

  1. Your pops is funny. :)

    You're eating Fritos, too? Can't wait until you bust into the Oreos. :)

    I'm surprised to hear that you're noticing the smoke out where you are! I like your brown-lung prevention. Reminds me of a similar get-up I used to avoid soupy swarms of insects last summer. Hey, we could rob a bank together! :)

    While you may have your own shower, you probably had to feed the shower some quarters, eh? California camps likely seem expensive after all the fantastic hiker/biker sites in Oregon.
